
JL Gardner Woodworks

Olde Tyme Coffee Grinder ~ Pic 2

Item Numer JLGb014-2
Measures approximately 13" tall, by 6" wide and 6" deep
Put whole coffee beans in at top and retrieve coffee grounds from drawer at bottom
Call to inquire for purchasing: 518-915-4949
Or, send an e-mail to: jeff@jlgardnerphotography.com
Shipping free!

In case you like to grind your own coffee and might also want one for your kitchen décor! It's the old fashioned way, pour in the whole coffee beans and turn, turn, turn - it actually works! It also fills your kitchen with the natural aroma of fresh ground coffee. Sometimes doing it the old fashioned way, is really worth it!
Box made from native pine, stained inside and out with MinWax "Early American", then polyurethaned to seal. Top grinding mechanism made of steel and powder-coated black.
A must-have for any country kitchen

Price = $75.00
